Recently, I have been keeping check on Conor, Boothe, Sellers and Copeland Farley through my sister's friend's blog. I can't help but think..."What if that was me?" "Lord, would I be as faithful?" It is truly heart breaking to sit and read their blog. They update frequently with good days and bad days. They poor out their hearts with complete honesty which leaves me encouraged by their family and their faithfullness to the Lord. So often, I complain about my day or the situation that I am in and then I read something as touching as this and think to myself...these problems that I have are not even close to being problems. It gives me a new perspective to what I consider, trials in my life. I can't help but feel so selfish when I think back to my day to day, minute to minute thoughts and prayers. I find that after reading about sweet baby Copeland I need to be on my knees thanking God for my wonderful family, my healthy son, the time I get to spend with him. You know, God speaks in amazing ways and he is using Boothe and Conor to touch others lives. I write this post to ask you to lift up their family for what they call specifics. Boothe asks for us to pray that Copeland "blue spells" will lessen. If you want to know more specifically about trisomy 18 and how to pray for the Farleys, visit their blog at