Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Fishing Partners

Well, it has taken me a long time to get to this but it is on my mind daily so I thought I should post about it. I tend to only post exciting things or major events in our crazy life here in Troy but I wanted to share my thoughts on my Grandfather.

For those of you that don't know he passed away May 15th. It is so hard to type that because it doesn't seem that long ago yet it seems like forever ago. When I say the power of prayer is powerful and God is so merciful I truly mean it. Granddaddy was diagnosed with lymphoma cancer over a year a go. He began treatments and went through like a trouper. His cancer went into remission and he kept trucking along. Around December we realized he needed open heart surgery at the age of 80. WOW! He came through the surgery well with a working heart but the recovery was hard on him; as you can imagine it would be for someone his age. His cancer was back to the point of needing treatments again so he started back his routine. We slowly watched him become weaker and weaker. Don't get me wrong he fought as long as he could fight but we could all tell that it was wearing on him and his body. Thankfully he was able to get around by himself up until a week before he passed away. The first of May results showed a mass around a vein to his liver causing fluid to build up instead of circulate. This is what caused his body to shut down. We were told that there was nothing we could do. So Granny sat by his side as she has been doing for so long. The whole family came Mother's Day weekend to see him. We had a great time at Granddaddy's and Granny's that day. He was able to sit in the wheel chair, eat with us at the table and see his great-grands play. It is a moment that I will cherish for the rest of my life because it was the last time we were all together. The next day Granddaddy worsened and Hospice was called in. I saw him each day until he passed and I wouldn't take anything for that. I was there Wednesday night and could tell that he was quickly fading from us. He knew who Cole was when we walked in the room though and talked to me some. That night he went to sleep and never really woke. Our pastor, Bro. Ed and Granny prayed over Granddaddy sometime Thursday afternoon. They prayed that the Lord would just take him; that he would just go to sleep and not suffer. The is where the Lord was and is so merciful. Granddaddy a few short moments later went to be with our Lord Jesus. I found out around 4:00 on Thursday. I went to see him one last time and he looked so much better. I know that sounds so weird but the night before his mouth was drooping and one eye could barely open.

We are, of course, saddened by the loss of him. He was precious to all those who knew him and will always be held dear. He was a great friend, husband, father and grandfather. I am so thankful that I got to spend as much time with him as I did. Growing up in Troy and now living here has allowed me to see family and spend time with them that isn't always possible for those who live away from family. Granddaddy and I were fishing partners. There was no one better suited for baiting my hook and taking the fish off. Poor thing, he knew that when we went he wasn't going to fish but he was going to service me while I fished. I spent many nights at that house awaking to cheese toast for breakfast. Those are times that will always be remembered and I look forward to one day sharing them with my children. I am so thankful Cole was able to know Granddaddy. Some may say that he is too young only being 16 months but he reassured me today when my mom took him over to Granny's house and the first thing he did was call for Granddaddy. That makes my heart so happy.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Fun in the Sun

We just got back from the beach and I must say we had a great time. We left last Wednesday and headed to Seacrest to stay until Sunday. Cole absolutely loved it...the beach, the water, all of it. It was nice to get away for a little while and enjoy each other. Oh how I wish we could do it more often. I have attached some pictures of our trip below.