Friday, December 10, 2010
Reese Sanders Pugh
The Story...I have been dilating since around 32 weeks and praying that I would hold as long as possible. My last post around 33 weeks asked for prayers to make it 4 more weeks and the Lord is so good; today is 4 weeks! I visited my doctor this past Tuesday and was around 3 1/2 almost 4 cm. The plan was to come back Monday and put me in for observation overnight and break my water Tuesday morning because we knew that I would be dilated enough to consider me in labor. Well, as much as I wanted my doctor to deliver Reese because I adore him that much I had to realize that I was being selfish and that I could possibly be in labor already. I debated back and forth whether or not to call the doctor yesterday and decided that I should make the call. Mom took me to Dothan yesterday afternoon; they monitored me in the office and decided that my contractions were the kind that bring a baby so they wheeled me to labor and delivery. I was admitted and an iv was started my my nurse, Julia, who by the way delivered Cole too. Dr. Butler came in around 4 and said that I was 4 1/2 cm and that we would wait and see. Julia didn't think I was going anywhere but we didn't tell Dax to leave work until around 5:30. We decided he should leave an hour early in the event that I stayed and they broke my water. Well, my water was broken after 7 and Dax and my Dad arrived after 8. I had just received my epidural before they got there and started feeling much better. Before the epidural it was pretty difficult to breath through the contractions. I don't remember them being as strong with the boys and let me just say I am proud of myself for dealing with them :) Everything went so fast after Dax got there. Julia checked me twice and said oh, it is go time. I told her I was glad she knew what she was doing because the baby could have been coming and I wouldn't have known it until it was too late. After 3 pushes our beautiful Reese was born. We can't thank the Lord enough for this sweet girl! And thank you all for your prayers and blessings!
Friday, November 12, 2010
33 Weeks
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Baby Dinner
Whitney gave me this super soft onesie and the inch bug labels for Reese's bottles.
I can't say thank you enough for all of your generosity. There were several other gifts and Reese was spoiled last night. Thank you all for coming and making me feel so special it is great to have friends like all of you. Thank you Aunt Brittany for all your hard work and for being a wonderful host. I appreciate it so much!
Monday, October 18, 2010
Go Trojans!
I love this picture! My three boys make my heart melt. It is going to be interesting adding Reese to the mix but we are all really anxious to meet her.
Hard to get a photo of my crew. Nelson boys were doing what they were suppose to and as usual mine would barely look. They all were sporting their eye blacks!
Friday, October 15, 2010
Annual Beach Trip
We had a fabulous house this past year just a block from the large community pool. We love staying in Seacrest; the atmosphere is worth it.
La Cocina in Seacrest has become a favorite to eat at one night. I know you are probably thinking, "What?" "Mexican at the beach!" Let me tell is good and in walking/riding distance. This is Pruitt and Cole waiting to go in to eat.
They really love each other. It brings joy to my heart to know that the Lord blessed us with them close in age to be the best of friends. My prayer is that they will always be there for each other and will hold each other accountable when they are older in their daily walk with the Lord. I pray that they encourage one another!
I added this picture because I think it is hilarious! I was sitting on the grass while Owen got out of the stroller. I told him to turn and look at Mommy and I got this pose?
They have the sweetest expressions to me here. They rode the train like big boys at Pier Park without Mommy this time. I was having some serious contractions and we soon left after this.It never failed; we woke up, ate breakfast, got ready for the pool and headed out each morning. We would get there and they immediately wanted something to eat? It must be something about vacation or the pool because no lie, it happened everyday! Owen was enjoying a fiber bar and lounging in the sun.
Sand Angel
A little bit of crab hunting. And when I say a little I mean it. Cole talked about going from the day we got there but when it came time to do it he was scared to death. Dax and I think that he didn't like not being able to see really.
What we have been up to
Plenty to wear; don't you think? Some of these dresses include things worn by my sisters and me. It is funny to see them and think about a photo we have in them. It will be sweet to see Reese in them; especially because both boys have worn outfits of Dax's when he was little. Well, as you can see I broke down and gave in to Cole's request and constant begging of an Auburn shirt. I picked these up in TJ Maxx and they haven't taken them off. I am such a good sport! Aren't I? I will admit that they know that I say Roll Tide, they will know I graduated from there and they will go to Alabama football games. We typically go up for homecoming and Dax is a good sport about it then. It is funny because this is exactly how his (Dax's) family grew up. Mrs. Kathy graduated from Alabama, wears her Bama gear and tells the boys she says Roll Tide! We all laugh about it often. Dax took this picture and told the boys to stand like that. I will tell you that they haven't taken them off since Wednesday night :)
Monday, August 16, 2010
Conversations with Cole
Me: I was Cole. Just like you were in my tummy when you were a baby.
Cole: Who is Daddy's mama?
Me: Honey
Cole: He was in her tummy?
Me: Yep! When he was a baby he was in her tummy.
Cole: Oh!, well you can drive.
Me: Yes Cole, we can drive. We grew up and now we are your Mommy and Daddy.
Cole: Why?
Me: Because God made me your mommy. One day you will grow up and will be able to drive and you will be a Daddy.
Cole: And somebody will have to buy me big boots.
Me: Do what? Yes, someone will have to buy you big boots because you will be grown up.
With all the baby talk we have decided on a name for our girl. Believe me after much deliberation and back and forth and back and forth we both agree on Reese Sanders Pugh. We will call her Reese. The boys will call her Sissy according to Cole.
The 5th Graham pledges Alpha Gam
I remember that feeling of "knowing" the new girls and being so happy that they ended up on your lawn. All of them were so incredibly nice to Alex and we couldn't be more appreciative of that.
Mom (Gamma Sigma '10), Joy (Gamma Sigma '99), Hope (Psi '95), Alex (Psi '10), Me (Psi '01), and Meggan (Psi ' 06)
Hope's girls...can't wait to see if they live and breathe Alpha Gam too! Aliee is already preparing her stays in the Alpha Gam house with Alex.
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Celebrating with a Carwash
I loved this cake. Teresa did a great job.
The kids would drive their toys through the carwash and bubbles.
Sweet Caroline, our neighbor.
This is Will Walker. Hannah and I are cousins and grew up together. I am so happy that Owen and Will be friends too.
Cute little Alliee Booth
This is Carter Rhodes. He was such a champ. He typically doesn't like the water but he played this time.
This is cute little Georgia Claire Rhodes. She plays so good.
The Vaughan boys enjoying their lunch.
Uncle Tyson helped Owen play a little baseball.
Owen got a kitchen for his birthday and enjoys cooking so much. He has always loved the ones at church and at Nana's so this was perfect for our house.