This past Saturday we had Cole's 3rd birthday party. Since Upward begins this weekend we knew that the first Saturday in January was our only chance at using the Family Life Center at the church so we booked it and started planning.

When we first told the news that we were expecting Cole our friends Matt and Amanda came by to let us know their news. Cole was due on the 17
th and Pruitt wasn't due until February but both came early making them 11 days apart. Matt and
Dax grew up together sharing only 10 days between their births so we found it funny that Cole and Pruitt would have 11 days between them. Then it became odd that Tucker and Owen would have 13 days between them. We joke that if one is pregnant then so is the other. It has been fun seeing the boys grow especially since they are so close together. This year we decided that a joint party would be the way to go so the invitations were sent, the cake and pizza were ordered and the bouncer was set up. To say that they enjoyed themselves is an understatement. Cole wouldn't even blow out his candles because he wanted to play. Thank you to all who joined us and made Cole's 3rd birthday party one to remember.

I can't believe 3 years have passed since I had this little man. He loves me and I sure do love him!

Great cake from Teresa's Cake Design - she matched the invitation

The boys doing a little wrestling. Cole, Pruitt and Jackson Booth - all their daddies graduated high school together
Shooting a little b-ball with
Nint and Ty

Cole with Nana

Enjoying his drumset that the Vaugahan's so graciously gave...he hasn't quit playing yet