Monday, August 16, 2010

Conversations with Cole

There is much baby talk around our house with the arrival of our baby girl approaching rather quickly it seems so Cole joins in most of the time. This morning on the way to get Angela Cole asked me if I was in Nana's tummy when I was a baby. The conversation proceeded as such...

Me: I was Cole. Just like you were in my tummy when you were a baby.
Cole: Who is Daddy's mama?
Me: Honey
Cole: He was in her tummy?
Me: Yep! When he was a baby he was in her tummy.
Cole: Oh!, well you can drive.
Me: Yes Cole, we can drive. We grew up and now we are your Mommy and Daddy.
Cole: Why?
Me: Because God made me your mommy. One day you will grow up and will be able to drive and you will be a Daddy.
Cole: And somebody will have to buy me big boots.
Me: Do what? Yes, someone will have to buy you big boots because you will be grown up.

With all the baby talk we have decided on a name for our girl. Believe me after much deliberation and back and forth and back and forth we both agree on Reese Sanders Pugh. We will call her Reese. The boys will call her Sissy according to Cole.

The 5th Graham pledges Alpha Gam

Alex, our baby, is now at the University of Alabama starting her college career. I can't believe that Mom and Dad are empty nesters! My poor father has been paying for college since 1995 when Hope went and hasn't stopped yet :) My parents have provided so much for us all of our life but this is probably the thing I am most grateful for - a college education - debt free. It made getting married that much better knowing that Dax and I would be married with no college loans to pay back. Anyway, Alex moved into Tutwiler August 8th and started Rush August 9th. I can attest that she wasn't a big fan of the Rush process but she pulled through and pledged Alpha Gam. I was able to go up and surprise her Saturday night at her pref party - I don't think she needed me but it was a good excuse to see her and the house. So much has changed in the 5 short years I have been gone. We ate dinner together in the pouring rain - any of you who know anything about Tuscaloosa knows that it floods all the time there, especially around Tutwiler. Well, Alex got to see it. Cars were flooded everywhere and the roads were feet deep around the stadium. We enjoyed pasta from Depalmas and then Brooke and I headed back to Birmingham for the night. My mom and other sisters were able to make it for Bid Day and welcome the newest Alpha Gam to the family. I tell everyone all the time that I didn't pledge Alpha Gam because of Hope and Joy but it was an added perk. Had I not liked Alpha Gam at Alabama I would have pledged something else; they just happened to pick a good sorority. I think it is so neat to say that we are a family of Alpha Gams and Alex was a 5 time legacy! Bid Day was crazy - people were everywhere. Quota this year was 84 so imagine the chaos of 150 + members on the front lawn, the 84 new girls, their families and the random fraternity boys. People were everywhere, it was hot and we stayed long enough for some photos and to speak. Their pledge class left that afternoon for Pledge Retreat in Gulf Shores. I can't imagine a place big enough to hold 84+ girls. AGD Recruitment Chair and President running with the new members. No other sororities were running to the houses and I couldn't understand. I know there are people everywhere but we have always run with excitement!Alex mixed in with new pledge sisters. It is always neat to see who your closest friends are.Alex with sweet Lissa Handley. She is a Sophomore and was my liaison all week. I had never met her but she was great to be able to talk with.

I remember that feeling of "knowing" the new girls and being so happy that they ended up on your lawn. All of them were so incredibly nice to Alex and we couldn't be more appreciative of that.

Mom (Gamma Sigma '10), Joy (Gamma Sigma '99), Hope (Psi '95), Alex (Psi '10), Me (Psi '01), and Meggan (Psi ' 06)

Hope's girls...can't wait to see if they live and breathe Alpha Gam too! Aliee is already preparing her stays in the Alpha Gam house with Alex.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Celebrating with a Carwash

Saturday, August 7th Owen turned 2. I can't believe it has been two years since he came into our lives. He has added so much and we are so blessed to have this sweet firey red head to call ours. We celebrated in the hot hot weather with a carwash. It couldn't have been more perfect! The kids had a great time playing in the water, with the bubbles and just cooling off while we all burned up. Thanks to everyone for celebrating with us and making this a great birthday for our Owen.

I loved this cake. Teresa did a great job.

The kids would drive their toys through the carwash and bubbles.

Sweet Caroline, our neighbor.

It took Owen a little while to warm up to it but once he did he played and played.

This is Will Walker. Hannah and I are cousins and grew up together. I am so happy that Owen and Will be friends too.

Cute little Alliee Booth

This is Carter Rhodes. He was such a champ. He typically doesn't like the water but he played this time.

This is cute little Georgia Claire Rhodes. She plays so good.

Even cousin Shep took a turn going through the carwash.

The Vaughan boys enjoying their lunch.

Uncle Tyson helped Owen play a little baseball.

Owen got a kitchen for his birthday and enjoys cooking so much. He has always loved the ones at church and at Nana's so this was perfect for our house.

We went to see Dr. Roy yesterday for Owen's 2 year check up and everything looks good. He weighed 26.6 lbs (25%) and was 33 inches tall (25%). As big as we thought he was it turns out that he is just average. He talks all the time and can say anything you want him to. He loves horses, balls and cooking. He is very versatile :) He doesn't quite understand that there is a baby coming but he will tell anyone that he is having a sister. He adores Cole and repeats everything he says and does; which isn't always a good thing.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Well, we are having...

The boy Pugh streak has come to an end! We will add a little GIRL in December. We can hardly believe it. The ultrasound went great this morning and she looks perfect. The ultrasound tech said she was an active little thing. I guess I need to get use to saying "the kids" instead of "the boys." It will be pretty interesting around our house at first adjusting to a little girl but I have a feeling it won't take long and I know that the boys in her life will adore her.

First Day of School

Cole has been attending Mother's Day Out for the past two years at our church. He has been going 2 half days just to get some interaction with others and some learning in his system. It was interesting when we first started because he cried every time I dropped him off anywhere; whether it be the church nursery, to stay with Angela - the lady that keeps the boys at home, or school. That lasted a couple of months and he was always fine not long after but it never failed; tears came everytime. I have also had to carry him in everyday for the past two years. But not this morning! Praise the Lord my son has gained a little independence. With my growing belly it is getting harder to tote him around; not to mention he is almost 4 and need not be toted like he is.
We went to open house last night for him and Owen to meet their teachers and see their classrooms. We started Owen this year also. He needs some interaction and serious learning as well. Cole has moved to 3 half days and Owen will go 2 half days. I could not have been more proud of my boys this morning. Cole woke up bright and early around 5:45 - Dax said he must have been excited! We made it out the door on time and they both ran into their room for breakfast with no tears and no complaining. I love that they can do it but it makes me realize they are not babies any longer and are growing so quickly before my eyes.

Heres to the first day of school for Cole and Owen!