Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Baby Dinner

I was so honored last night as a group of great women joined me for a small "Baby Dinner" to celebrate the arrival of Reese. We enjoyed appetizers, a meal, dessert, presents and more importantly a great time of fellowship. Reese received several things and we can't wait to get the nursery ready for her and put all her belongings where they go. Thank you so much for everything girls!These were the adorable favors and a thank you so the guest.It is truly a blessing to have such generous friends!Yummy cupcakes provided by Cakes by Joyce.An incredibly soft bib from Crystal and Ashlee along with that cute pink elephant and other things.This blanket from Karri is so sweet.Honey got Reese her first bracelet.Cathy Beckett, my second mama, gave her this adorable frame for her room.Mary Kay, a new friend of mine has a little business making these onesies and shirts. They are adorable and I am so grateful for her gift. I can't wait for Reese to wear it and the boots she gave her.My roommate from college, Brooke and her mom gave Reese this super soft elephant (Roll Tide) and paci clip. Dax has already told the boys that it was okay for Reese to say Roll Tide as long as they still say War Eagle.These are Aden & Anais swaddling blankets that I have been wanting. Do you see how thin they are...I can't wait to use them. Thanks Brooke.This is the back of a too cute outfit that my friend Amanda sent. It is so cute and will be adorable on Reese.Okay, I think this is one of my favorites! Leslie gave Reese this and it is going to match perfectly in her room. I can't wait to get everything ready! You know only 10 weeks until the due date...not much time.Thanks Kristy for this terry cloth outfit. I love it!

Whitney gave me this super soft onesie and the inch bug labels for Reese's bottles.

I can't say thank you enough for all of your generosity. There were several other gifts and Reese was spoiled last night. Thank you all for coming and making me feel so special it is great to have friends like all of you. Thank you Aunt Brittany for all your hard work and for being a wonderful host. I appreciate it so much!

Monday, October 18, 2010

Go Trojans!

We enjoyed a football weekend at home with the Trojans. We are headed to Tuscaloosa for homecoming but with my pregnancy, the boys, and needing to be at a meeting at church we couldn't make it. We hated not to go; well, I should say I hated not to go but it just didn't work out this year. We were able to tailgate with some good friends around lunch, head home for naps and the back for the game with friends. Thanks Nelsons for the tickets! We enjoyed it as usual.

I love this picture! My three boys make my heart melt. It is going to be interesting adding Reese to the mix but we are all really anxious to meet her.

Hard to get a photo of my crew. Nelson boys were doing what they were suppose to and as usual mine would barely look. They all were sporting their eye blacks!

Friday, October 15, 2010

Annual Beach Trip

The first of September we left for our annual beach trip with the Vaughans and Warrens. It is crazy to think that none of us have missed a year and this trip was our 5th time. We love this time and look forward to it every year. We don't waste any time and pack it full with trips to the beach, playing in the pool, riding bikes, eating out, going to Pier Park, shopping and lounging around. All the boys were at a good age this past year allowing them to play well and nap together. Thanks to the Daddies for hanging out at the house with them each afternoon.Owen digging in.

Cole enjoying the sand. Thankfully, neither of the boys have ever had issues with the sand.
We had a fabulous house this past year just a block from the large community pool. We love staying in Seacrest; the atmosphere is worth it.
La Cocina in Seacrest has become a favorite to eat at one night. I know you are probably thinking, "What?" "Mexican at the beach!" Let me tell is good and in walking/riding distance. This is Pruitt and Cole waiting to go in to eat.

They really love each other. It brings joy to my heart to know that the Lord blessed us with them close in age to be the best of friends. My prayer is that they will always be there for each other and will hold each other accountable when they are older in their daily walk with the Lord. I pray that they encourage one another!
I added this picture because I think it is hilarious! I was sitting on the grass while Owen got out of the stroller. I told him to turn and look at Mommy and I got this pose?
They have the sweetest expressions to me here. They rode the train like big boys at Pier Park without Mommy this time. I was having some serious contractions and we soon left after this.It never failed; we woke up, ate breakfast, got ready for the pool and headed out each morning. We would get there and they immediately wanted something to eat? It must be something about vacation or the pool because no lie, it happened everyday! Owen was enjoying a fiber bar and lounging in the sun.
The annual crew's kids...Owen (2), Cole (3), Tucker (2), Pruitt (3), Miles (1), and Clark (3)

Sand Angel

A little bit of crab hunting. And when I say a little I mean it. Cole talked about going from the day we got there but when it came time to do it he was scared to death. Dax and I think that he didn't like not being able to see really.

What we have been up to

Things are trucking along at our house with the boys in school, me and Dax working, church, weekends, sickness. It is hard to keep up. I realize a whole month and a half have passed without a single post. We have had several things going on just in our daily life; plenty to blog about just haven't done it.

We have approximately 11 weeks left until little Reese joins our family and there has been and still is plenty to do. You will see below my nights after work have consisted of going through clothes passed down from my sisters girls and washing. I haven't gotten around to ironing just yet :) Dax helped me hang up some of the dresses the other night out of the washing machine and I handed him a slip and said this goes under that little gown. He replied, "Oh no, this is going to be a lot worse than the boys." I just laughed. I am afraid our world is about to be turned upside down - even though I came from nothing but girls.This is one of many many piles. I just went ahead and pulled out all of them instead of only getting the newborn stuff. This means I have got to get Owen's clothes moved to his and Cole's room so that Sissy's can go in her closest and dresser.
Plenty to wear; don't you think? Some of these dresses include things worn by my sisters and me. It is funny to see them and think about a photo we have in them. It will be sweet to see Reese in them; especially because both boys have worn outfits of Dax's when he was little. Well, as you can see I broke down and gave in to Cole's request and constant begging of an Auburn shirt. I picked these up in TJ Maxx and they haven't taken them off. I am such a good sport! Aren't I? I will admit that they know that I say Roll Tide, they will know I graduated from there and they will go to Alabama football games. We typically go up for homecoming and Dax is a good sport about it then. It is funny because this is exactly how his (Dax's) family grew up. Mrs. Kathy graduated from Alabama, wears her Bama gear and tells the boys she says Roll Tide! We all laugh about it often. Dax took this picture and told the boys to stand like that. I will tell you that they haven't taken them off since Wednesday night :)

We have also suffered another ear infection with little O. Tubes are still in obviously because gook has dripped from his left ear for several days now. We are on antibiotic, ear drops and rounds of breathing treatments. Seems to be helping and he is on the road to recovery. I on the other hand have come down with a cold and as usual it seems ten times worse pregnant. My throat is raw, the eyes are burning, draining in my ears and stuffy nose...sounds like fun, uhhh? Hopefully, this will pass in a few days and I will be feeling better. List is made and there is lots of checking off to be done in a few short weeks.