We officially moved Cole from the crib to his twin bed Saturday night. I have been anxious about how he would handle it since he loves his crib and has never had a problem sleeping in it but for the most part he has done great. I laid down with him and read a couple of books, told him night night and turned the lights off. He was fine for about 5 minutes and then he lost it. Dax got him up to console him just so he would quit the sobbing. He then brought Dax a book to read. We learned that he knew what stalling was...He proceeded to read louder and louder when Dax asked if he wanted his "Bs" (what he calls his blankets). Dax put him back in the bed and shut the door. He cried a few seconds and then there was silence. He went to sleep and slept until 7:30 Sunday morning. I got up around 7:00 and snapped a photo of him sleeping. He has now lasted 2 nights and one nap in his "big boy" bed. And yes, that means the crib has moved to our room and I have to literally lift my belly to get to my side of the bed if I go that way. Alex has told Dax that they wouldn't be living there if she was married to him. She is way OCD and can't handle the closeness. My friend, Laura, calls it character building. Whatever it is...we are doing it and will continue doing it until the house is ready. Goal of the week...wash newborn clothes for Owen and get them put away and him a bag packed.
Dax would die if he knew I posted this photo. There was no way of taking it without him in it and I couldn't resist Cole getting out of bed with Mr. Bear in arm.
I can't believe you only have 49 more days! Where are you building your house? Cole is so cute in his big boy bed. And I love the monkey outfit!!
I know it is hard to believe only 7 more weeks. We are building in Diamond Fields off of Enzor Road. I can't believe how big your boys and sweet little Kate are. They are precious. I love reading about them on your blog.
DAX!!!! haahha. That is so funny. What a cute little Cole. Love the pics of him. I didn't read this one yesterday. Love the character bldg. We know exactly what this means...209 orange st!
love to take coles diaper off and come in his boipu-sy I get really turned on by little boys
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