Monday, December 22, 2008

Family Photo...One of the only ones we have

A little photo time after church yesterday. My boys are so cute! I know I am bias but aren't they??? Thanks Aunt Hope for picking up the boys outfits. Of course, Cole's is a little big and Owen's is just right (6 month for a 4 month old). Cole and Owen are so different; their appearance, their size, they personality. It is crazy!
Owen had is 4 month check-up last week weighing in at a whopping 15 pounds and 5 oz. He measured 25 1/2 inches. Can we say much bigger than Cole. He has started cereal and we had peas last night. He loved them! Big News in our house...HE SLEPT UNTIL 6:30. Owen has yet to sleep through the night until last night. I know, I has nothing to do with getting cereal and peas. I don't really care what it has to do with, I am just thankful that Dax and I received a full night of sleep for the first time in 4 and a half months. Well, longer than that for me if you count the sleepless nights at the end of the pregnancy.
We are looking forward to spending Christmas together as a family and sharing it with others. Mrs. Eloise Kirk, a sweet lady at church, gave Cole a book about the birth of Jesus. He loves it. We read it multiple times a day and he constantly is saying Where's Baby Jesus? Dax and I look forward to Cole and Owen knowing the true meaning of Christmas and why we celebrate our Savior's birth, life, death and resurrection. It is my heart's desire that my children will know our Lord Jesus and live their lives accordingly. We hope all of you have a Merry Christmas filled with Joy and Hope knowing that one day we will see our Father.

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