Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Happy Resurrection Day

We had a wonderful Easter full of great weather, sweet family and friends, a fun egg hunt and an amazing Resurrection service at Church. I hope that each of us remembered to reflect on this time in our lives and thank our Father for an amazing sacrifice and unconditional love. I was able to talk with Cole about why we celebrate Easter. Of course, he is young, but I pray that Dax and I as parents will take each opportunity available to instill Christian beliefs in him. Our Lord is so gracious and we are so undeserving of his incredible love. I hope that each of you celebrated the resurrection of our Christ.
Owen was excited to get in to the baskets.
Looks like that bunny should have brought us some bibs. He drools all the time. The four teeth explain it.
Cole paused to smile for me. It is rare to catch it on camera.
Dressed for church and waiting on Mommy. We just did make it to the 8:00 service.
Hunting eggs at Granny's house.

1 comment:

KiKi said...

Holly and Dax, your babies are beautiful, and I can't wait to see more pictures of your new home! After moving just a few weeks ago ourselves, it's a lot of work, but very exciting!!! You can only imagine going through 20 years of memories, but we couldn't be happier! Send me your new address..kww1027@aol.com love you all...Miss Kathy