Here are a few recent photos of the boys. They are both growing so fast and changing so much. Owen is now 9 months old. We just had his check-up because we had a sick visit the day before his check-up was scheduled. He has been a sick little guy. He had the Roto virus along with double ear infections. This was all 2 weeks ago. He lost over a pound and wouldn't eat a thing. He has now gained a pound back and is back eating like he use to. He weighed 19 lbs 6 oz and measured 29" in length. He can crawl anywhere, pull up on anything and is now walking holding on to the couch. He loves
1. Cole
2. His Daddy
3. Angela (the lady that keeps him)
4. Georgia (our PREGNANT yellow lab)
5. balls
6. his baths
7. ritz crackers
8. his sippee cup
We are trying to tast new table foods often. So far he has had
1. mashed potatoes
2. butterbeans
3. field peas
4. biscuits (small amount)
He is sleeping better through the night and as my doctor told me...he will stop waking up when I(Dax) stops getting up with him. We know this but it is super easy to put the papi in his mouth or give him 4 ounces of formula when we need sleep.
Isn't it crazy how different they look???
Cole is a full fledge 2 year old boy. We are working on the potty training thing but it seems that it is going to take a while if I am not home with him to consistently work on it. We are in search for big boy underwear small enough for him. The smallest size 2t-3t falls right down even when rolled a few times. It is pretty pitiful. He can be soooo sweet sometimes. He tells me often that he loves me or that I look pretty. I love hearing sweet things from him. Then he turns and deliberately rebels looking us dead in the eye. Boys right? Two year olds right? He loves
1. tractors
2. hay
3. lawn mowers (we have to sit on almost all of them when we are at Lowes)
4. Nixon (his friend)
5. outside
6. dirt
7. moo cows
8. saying, "Oh my goodness!" (one of the most precious things to hear)
Dax and I are so blessed with these two. We love them both so much even though they can be aggrevating at times. We can't remember life without them and are thankful the Lord chose us to be their parents.
That's so sweet! Cole and Owen are very different but that's what makes it fun. How boring would it be if we had to raise the same child over and over again. They are both adorable..ahem...handsom!
B & E both were potty trained during the summer when I could just let them loose outside and they could go wherever. They were both around Coles age. It will happen just don't stress yourself out.
I am lovin' those crab outfits! Can't wait to see what Will looks like in his!! Bring their outfits to the beach and maybe we can snap a picture of them!
Precious! How are you Mom? What have you been up to? What about the house? Miss y'all!
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