We recently ventured to Atlanta, Georgia with the boys in tow to visit the Georgia Aquarium. It was a long day, leaving at 5:30 and coming home that afternoon but well worth it for the experience. Cole is the perfect age to go and he enjoyed it the most out of everyone. Owen, poor thing, was so tired from getting up early that he just wanted his Daddy to hold him. He liked seeing the fish too just not near as much as Cole Man. We met Brooke, John and Will around 10:30 and explored the exhibits for a couple of hours until we had made our way through everything. We then headed to the Varsity for lunch and then home. It was a great day with the family and our friends!

It is impossible to get a picture of them both looking.

"Bruce" as Cole likes to say.

Will is telling Cole all about it.

I didn't take many photos of the fish, or I should say many didn't really turn out, but this is a turkey zebra fish - or something like that.

This wasn't long after being there but you can see how tired Owen is. They both fell asleep right when we got to Atlanta and had a short nap until we parked and got out.

Cole couldn't decide if he wanted to touch the stingrays or not. He, of course, did much better with Dax. I don't know what it is but he just gets so scared when I have him.
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