Thursday, October 25, 2007

Lions, Tigers and Pumpkins

Cole got to wear his Halloween costume for the first time last night. We had our Fall Festival at church, so I headed home from work, put Coleman in his lion costume snapped a few photos at home and headed to church. The activities building was decorated all fall-like with scarecrows, pumpkins, hay bales and mums. There were kids everywhere; inside playing games, outside jumping and sliding in the big blow up things or petting miniature ponies. It was great! Dax got to enjoy popcorn and cotton candy. We were even able to take a few snap shots of Cole and Nixon together. She was an adorable pumpkin. I told Julia that we were fortunate we had content children because they both didn't seem to mind their costumes at all. Dax and I say all the time that we are blessed to be part of such an amazing church. We have really been blessed with the friends God has provided us. We are proud that our church has a ministry such as this were we can extend to the community and share the Lord's love with them.

Cole was practicing his roar. Do you think Nixon was scared? Not a bit! We can't ever seem to get them to look at us for a picture...they are always fascinated with each other. Cole even tried to give Nixon some sugar during a group photo. He is starting young...what are we going to do with him?


John and Brooke said...

That costume is precious! Animals must be the popular choice for costumes this year. All of our friends here that have kids were some sort of animal...monkey, bunny, tigers, etc!

KiKi said...

Holly and Dax, how proud you must be of that little one of yours...he is precious!!!! I know Brooke and John are waiting until the time is right, but I must confess, I can't wait. Hope to see you sometime in the near future. Say hi to your family for us. We love you all very much.
"Miss Kathy" :)

The Pughs said...

Mrs. Kathy,
I am so glad you look at the blog. I have to say I have never seen a better shrek than you. It was great. Oh, we are so proud of Cole. We just love him. I can't imgaine loving another one the same. But I know everyone says you do. I miss you and Mr. Tim too. Would love to see you sometime soon.

Laura said...

I need to send you the pics of Cole and the kids from last night. We need a new post!!!! :)

Anonymous said...

So cute - I love his roar!!!