For the fourth year now we have traveled to Florida for family vacation with The
Vaughans and Warrens. We started our annual beach trip without children which has now led to a total of 6 boys 2 and under. We normally go in April or May but due to Miles Warren's arrival date we pushes our trip back to September and stayed the whole week. It was beautiful despite the forecast for rain everyday; allowing us to enjoy outside time on the beach, by the pool and at Pier Park. We had a great time with everyone and I think the boys enjoyed it. After returning home Cole said he wanted to go back to the beach house.

We made it to church on Sunday to realize that we tripled their normal nursery attendance. Although there was hesitation by the parents on how they would do, they do great! However, the picture before was another story. Apparently Cole didn't want his picture taken but none the less...they are in order by birth. Cole (2), Pruitt Vaughan (2), Clark Warren (2), Tucker Vaughan (1), Owen (1), and Miles Warren (5 months)

The boys had a great time together...even if they did fight over toys! Can you see the beautiful water behind them? It was perfect and not too cold. We loved going this time of year.

Owen and Daddy ready for the beach. We spent a lot of time lubing up; we didn't want this redhead to burn :)

This little stinker wouldn't put a float on to save his life. So what did he do? Played on the steps!

A little Mom and Owen time is rare unless
Dax isn't around. I am sure he is trying to get out of my arms to get to
Dax here.

We had dinner at Crab Trap after an afternoon of shopping. The food was delicious and the scenery was spectacular.

Obviously, Owen had no problem with the sand. The only problem had was by
Dax and me trying to keep it out of his eyes and mouth. We weren't always so successful.

Owen did a lot of this...EATING that is. This boy can eat; whether we were at the pool, beach or house he wanted to eat.

We did A LOT of this. The house we rented came with four bikes so
every day Dax took Cole for multiple bike rides. Owen even tested the waters with a couple. Both the boys absolutely loved it.

Can you tell Cole didn't want to get down? He held on to our shirts for dear life. However, he still talks about "those crabs going in the holes."

The boys had a blast crab hunting the last night. Owen was so tired he just had to go on to sleep. You should have seen
Dax trying to catch crabs with Owen in his arms.
A great time was had by all.
Dax and I are quick to tell people that it was no vacation with all the boys. We spent few hours outside since they needed to nap. We know that trips will get easier however, the older they get. Right now mine can't go napless but I know when they are older we will be able to let them play for hours and not worry what time it is. We loved where we stayed (
Seacrest Beach) and loved the house we were in (only about 20 feet from the pool).