Wednesday, July 29, 2009

My Sick One

Owen is such a good baby that I can't imagine what he will be like when he gets tubes on the 6th of August. He can be a little fussy at times but if you had had ear infections since April, you would be fussy too. Yes, that is right, we have fought infections since the first of April and now are on our way to get tubes the day before his first birthday. He has developed a mild hearing loss due to all the fluid in his ears and Dr. Mc even says that it has effected his balance. Since Owen has been walking for a few weeks now I can only think that he could have started walking much sooner if we didn't have infections. I don't know if I should be thankful or disappointed! Dax and I couldn't be more ready. We would have loved to have them 2 months ago considering it would have saved us numerous trips to the pediatrician and a large amount of co-pays but we are thankful that they are in our future. I still have mixed emotions since they will be using anesthesia to put him under. I would appreciate your prayers to ease my anxiousness. We are having Owen's party this coming Saturday since my sisters will already be in town for the Graham reunion so I will post lots of photos after the weekend.

This photo was too cute not to share. I think Owen favors the Grahams much more than Cole. Owen loves his Pops and will sit in his lap perfectly content forever.


Dana and Chris Sheheane said...

I will definitely pray for you Holly. I understand fully as Wells got tubes at 7 months. he had them from december to march straight and also had hearing loss, etc. Let me tell you, the boy is a different child! And he was pretty good as well. he began crawling right away, sleeping better, and has rarely been sick since! Trust me, it is a GREAT thing. It is scary to give them up for going under and i cried and prayed, but he was back in 10 minutes! so great, you will love it!

KiKi said...

Sweet Holly, we'll be praying for that little one....we have been in your very shoes. Brandon had to have them, went through the same thing about the hearing, etc.
Be forewarned...they can come out..he had to have them replaced twice. We will watch the blog(or I'll check with Brooke) to see how things went. You and Dax hang in there. love ya, Miss Kathy
ps...your boys are PRECIOUS!!!