Tuesday, August 3, 2010

First Day of School

Cole has been attending Mother's Day Out for the past two years at our church. He has been going 2 half days just to get some interaction with others and some learning in his system. It was interesting when we first started because he cried every time I dropped him off anywhere; whether it be the church nursery, to stay with Angela - the lady that keeps the boys at home, or school. That lasted a couple of months and he was always fine not long after but it never failed; tears came everytime. I have also had to carry him in everyday for the past two years. But not this morning! Praise the Lord my son has gained a little independence. With my growing belly it is getting harder to tote him around; not to mention he is almost 4 and need not be toted like he is.
We went to open house last night for him and Owen to meet their teachers and see their classrooms. We started Owen this year also. He needs some interaction and serious learning as well. Cole has moved to 3 half days and Owen will go 2 half days. I could not have been more proud of my boys this morning. Cole woke up bright and early around 5:45 - Dax said he must have been excited! We made it out the door on time and they both ran into their room for breakfast with no tears and no complaining. I love that they can do it but it makes me realize they are not babies any longer and are growing so quickly before my eyes.

Heres to the first day of school for Cole and Owen!

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